Dell's Original Uncoverage Logo by Antonio F. Branco, Comically Incorrect

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Another Rape - This Time At Occupy Philadelphia

Another Rape - This Time At Occupy Philadelphia

How many more rapes, how many more deaths, how many more acts of violence have to occur before President Obama and the Democratic Party withdraw their support and condemn these lawless protests?

By Dell Hill

It’s a disgusting “scoreboard”.  The number of deaths, drug arrests, complaints of filthy environments, and criminal acts like rape have plagued the Occupy protest movement to the point where most of the cities involved are taking steps to shut them down.

Here’s our latest report via Breitbart TV.

How many more rapes, how many more deaths, how many more acts of violence have to occur before President Obama and the Democratic Party withdraw their support and condemn these lawless protests?

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